Our Attorneys
- Akim Anastopoulo (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Eric M. Poulin (Licensed in SC, NC, GA and CA)
- Roy T. Willey, IV (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Blake Abbott (Licensed in North Carolina & South Carolina)
- Constance Anastopoulo (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Chase Coble (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Ralph James D’Agostino III (Licensed in D.C.)
- Paul Doolittle (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Jacqueline A. Dufour (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Herb F. Glass (Licensed in South Carolina and Georgia)
- Lane Jefferies (Licensed in South Carolina)
- Julia K. Pirillo (Licensed in West Virginia)
- India Shaw (Licensed in South Carolina and Washington DC)
- Andrew Smith (Licensed in South Carolina)